Upcoming events.
Service of Light on the Longest Night, December 22nd, 4pm
This time of worship acknowledges that, for many people, Christmas is a time of loneliness, sorrow, alienation, sadness. This service offers a way for people to claim those feelings and still feel surrounded by the compassionate love of God.
Christmas Eve Service December 24th, 5pm
This will be a family style worship service with candle lighting.
Christmas Eve Service December 24th, 7:30pm
This will be a traditional style worship service with holy communion and candle lighting.
This page contains many of our special events, but if you’re looking for a full listing of everything going on at FCS, make sure to check out our church calendar.
Egg Making
Egg Making Production—Monday & Wednesdays 7:30am to Noon
Lunch to be served after production on Mondays.
AARP Tax Aid
AARP Tax Aid — Tax preparartion and filing for seniors
Fridays, February 7 through April 11, 8am - 3pm
To schedule an appointment go to:
Combined Worship Service
A combined worship service will be held on this date at 9:30am in the Sanctuary
Service of Light on the Longest Night
This time of worship acknowledges that, for many people, Christmas is a time of loneliness, sorrow, alienation, sadness. This service offers a way for people to claim those feelings and still feel surrounded by the compassionate love of God.
Salem Seniors Out to Lunch
SALEM SENIORS OUT TO LUNCH—Join us for lunch on December 19th at 1:00pm at Perkins! Please RSVP to Olive at 717-307-9929 by December 16th.
Christmas Cafe
Join us for a night of cookies, coffee, and Christmas music. At the end of the
night, we will have a small Christmas worship set. A wonderful way to kick off the Christmas Season!
Bible Study - Book of Jonah
Join Pastor Randy for a study of the Book of Jonah. Sessions will be held from 6:30-7:30 on Thursdays (Oct 24, Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21, and Dec 5 if needed).
Fall Coffee Night
Join us for a cup of coffee, music by Justin, and friendly fellowship!
"C3 Tour" with Bishop Héctor A. Burgos-Núñez
October 13
Harrisburg District
Otterbein UMC
647 Forge Rd
Carlisle, PA
Only one session starting at 3:00 pm
Both Clergy and Laity can attend
Soup Cook-Off
SOUP! — Everyone loves soup especially as fall begins, but which one do you like best? Join your Salem family for fellowship and a luncheon of soup tasting on Sunday, September 29 at 12:30 and vote for your favorite to determine the winner. The winner will be decided by which soup collects the most money as you will vote with your spare change or whatever you decide to give. Proceeds of the voting will go to Salem Shares Food Pantry and Soul Food Ministry. Please sign up on the connection card or contact Jeannie at (717) 579-5164 or jpelen@ptd.net and indicate if you are entering a soup, just attending and bringing something else to eat or to ask any questions. So many kinds of soup! Which to make…
S.W.I.M. - Coat Collection for Jay's Closet
Salem Women in Mission is asking for help from our church family.
Our group has been asked, by Jay's Clothing Closet at The Journey Church, to collect new or gently used coats and jackets for men, women and children of all ages and sizes.
We have decided to take on this request and are seeking help from everyone to make this a success, not only for us but for the many people who will receive the coats and jackets.
If you are able to help us, we will have a box in the mission area of the coat room with a sign [Coats & Jackets 4 Jay's Clothing Closet]. This mission was formed by Deb McKiernan and is named after her late husband Jay. Both Jay and Deb were Salem Church members. S.W.I.M. Would like to show Deb that we support her and her mission.
Would you be willing to donate a coat or jacket for someone who does not have one? We will be collecting from now until 11/10.
Thank you for supporting such a worthy mission!
The Chosen Bible Study - Season 3
The Chosen Bible Study - Season 3
Study session dates are: September 9th & 16th
October 7th & 21st
November 4th & 8th
December 2nd & 9th (16th if needed)
Sessions will meet in room 210 from 6:30-8:00pm
Grief Share
Room 215
GriefShare - 3:00 PM on Wednesdays starting with September 4 and ending on November 27 (skip September 25)
If we need an extra week to finish the curriculum, we would end on December 4th.
Youth Family Picnic
Back to School Family Picnic
Sunday, September 1st:5pm - 7pm
Come join us as we welcome in the new school year for our FCS Youth students! All of our current students AND our new incoming 6th grade students, as well as their family members, are welcome to attend!
While FCS Youth will provide a main entree, our families are asked to bring along additional potluck items to help round out our meal. Please use the linked sign-up sheet to note what you are planning to bring! If you have any dietary restrictions, please also make a note of them on the spreadsheet.